Che viviate a Berlino, Budapest o Bilbao, le decisioni prese nelle sale dei comitati e nei corridoi di Bruxelles avranno un impatto sulla vostra vita. Ma il modo in cui queste decisioni vengono prese rimane spesso segreto. I reporter di Investigate Europe aiutano a far luce sui processi che interessano tutti gli europei.
Per molti, il sistema politico dell'Unione europea è una rete impalpabile di istituzioni, affiliazioni politiche, associazioni e gruppi di potere. Una macchina burocratica controllata da un centro nevralgico a Bruxelles, che collega i 27 Stati membri. È da lì che il Parlamento europeo, il Consiglio dell'Unione europea e la Commissione europea stabiliscono le leggi che regolano le nostre vite. È il luogo in cui politici, funzionari e lobbisti conversano in acronimi poco conosciuti per influenzare la legislazione e portare avanti le agende politiche.

I reporter di Investigate Europe sono qui per demistificare il linguaggio legislativo e portare trasparenza nel "trilogo" tra le tre istituzioni. Il nostro progetto sugli affari dell'UE vi porta all'interno dei negoziati sulle leggi che riguardano tutti noi. Pubblichiamo storie che vanno al cuore del processo decisionale dell'UE, spieghiamo come gli accordi politici siglati a Bruxelles siano importanti per i comuni cittadini europei e facciamo luce sulle questioni critiche del nostro tempo.
Il progetto è nato analizzando il Consiglio dell'Unione europea, un'istituzione in cui i 27 governi dell'UE discutono, modificano e adottano leggi a porte chiuse, evitando il controllo pubblico. Ora abbiamo ampliato l'attenzione grazie alla nostra maggiore presenza a Bruxelles, sede anche dei nostri numerosi reportage sull'Unione. Con le elezioni europee all'orizzonte, crediamo che siano necessarie, ora più che mai, prospettive critiche e transfrontaliere che chiedano conto del potere dell'UE. Benvenuti!

Elezioni 2024: L'UE sotto pressione

Libertà dei media

Articoli in evidenza

Articoli sui media partner

Due pesi e misure: l’Ue usa le infrazioni come arma politica
Due pesi e misure: l’Ue usa le infrazioni come arma politica

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

30 settembre 2024

España es el segundo país que más sentencias de la UE incumple impunemente
España es el segundo país que más sentencias de la UE incumple impunemente

infoLibre, Spain

26 settembre 2024

Toothless 'infringement'?: EU Commission leaves member states unpunished for dozens of violations
Toothless 'infringement'?: EU Commission leaves member states unpunished for dozens of violations

EUobserver, Belgium

25 settembre 2024

Wie die EU-Kommission Umweltsünder schont
Wie die EU-Kommission Umweltsünder schont

Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany

25 settembre 2024

Verstöße gegen Klima- und Umweltrecht: Europas Cold Cases
Verstöße gegen Klima- und Umweltrecht: Europas Cold Cases

arte journal, France/Germany

24 settembre 2024

Europas ytre høyre tjener på bygde-misnøye
Europas ytre høyre tjener på bygde-misnøye

Agenda Magasin, Norway

26 aprile 2024

Viaggio nell’Europa rurale, dove l’estrema destra avanza sfruttando il senso di abbandono
Viaggio nell’Europa rurale, dove l’estrema destra avanza sfruttando il senso di abbandono

The Post Internazionale, Italy

23 aprile 2024

Erfolge der Rechten auf dem Land: Was Wut auf „die in Brüssel“ und Frust bewirken
Erfolge der Rechten auf dem Land: Was Wut auf „die in Brüssel“ und Frust bewirken

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

22 aprile 2024

Viaje a cuatro bastiones ultra: la extrema derecha avanza en la Europa rural explotando la sensación de abandono
Viaje a cuatro bastiones ultra: la extrema derecha avanza en la Europa rural explotando la sensación de abandono

infoLibre, Spain

12 aprile 2024

Rural Europe's turn to far-right triggered by 'political neglect'
Rural Europe's turn to far-right triggered by 'political neglect'

EUobserver, Belgium

10 aprile 2024

Russisk innblanding uroar før EU-valet
Russisk innblanding uroar før EU-valet

DAG OG TID, Norway

4 aprile 2024

Putins heimlicher Krieg: Wie Russland Europas Demokratien unterwandert
Putins heimlicher Krieg: Wie Russland Europas Demokratien unterwandert

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

28 marzo 2024

La injerencia rusa dispara las alarmas en la UE a las puertas de las elecciones
La injerencia rusa dispara las alarmas en la UE a las puertas de las elecciones

infoLibre, Spain

24 marzo 2024

Rosja ma apetyt na Europę. Jak rośnie sieć kremlowskich agentów wpływu
Rosja ma apetyt na Europę. Jak rośnie sieć kremlowskich agentów wpływu

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

21 marzo 2024

Russian interference unnerves Europe as elections near
Russian interference unnerves Europe as elections near

EUobserver, Belgium

21 marzo 2024

Власти РФ очень хотят «посеять разногласия» между странами ЕС, помогающими Украине.
Власти РФ очень хотят «посеять разногласия» между странами ЕС, помогающими Украине.

Meduza, Russia

21 marzo 2024

Ecco come la Russia interferisce sulla campagna elettorale per le europee
Ecco come la Russia interferisce sulla campagna elettorale per le europee

The Post Internazionale, Italy

11 marzo 2024

EU vil stenge grensene for flyktningbarn
EU vil stenge grensene for flyktningbarn

Vårt Land, Norway

20 febbraio 2024

Νέο ευρωπαϊκό σύμφωνο για τη μετανάστευση: Βρέφη πίσω από τα σίδερα
Νέο ευρωπαϊκό σύμφωνο για τη μετανάστευση: Βρέφη πίσω από τα σίδερα

Reporters United, Greece

15 febbraio 2024

Francia y Países Bajos presionaron para poder retener incluso a bebés en las fronteras de la UE
Francia y Países Bajos presionaron para poder retener incluso a bebés en las fronteras de la UE

infoLibre, Spain

13 febbraio 2024

France led lobbying to detain children in EU migration pact
France led lobbying to detain children in EU migration pact

EUobserver, Belgium

13 febbraio 2024

Immigration En Europe : la France à la manœuvre pour autoriser la rétention des enfants dès le plus jeune âge
Immigration En Europe : la France à la manœuvre pour autoriser la rétention des enfants dès le plus jeune âge

Disclose, France

13 febbraio 2024

França e Países Baixos querem que crianças requerentes de asilo possam ser detidas nas fronteiras da UE
França e Países Baixos querem que crianças requerentes de asilo possam ser detidas nas fronteiras da UE

Público, Portugal

13 febbraio 2024

Migranti, regole più dure per i minori. Italia sconfitta e penalizzata
Migranti, regole più dure per i minori. Italia sconfitta e penalizzata

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

13 febbraio 2024

EU governments in last-minute push to legitimise surveillance of journalists
EU governments in last-minute push to legitimise surveillance of journalists

Follow the Money, Netherlands

12 dicembre 2023

Espionnage des journalistes : la France fait bloc aux côtés de six états européens
Espionnage des journalistes : la France fait bloc aux côtés de six états européens

Disclose, France

12 dicembre 2023

Die Freiheit, Journalisten auszuhorchen
Die Freiheit, Journalisten auszuhorchen

Zeit Online, Germany

12 dicembre 2023

Hardline EU governments in late push to legitimise surveillance of journalists
Hardline EU governments in late push to legitimise surveillance of journalists

EUobserver, Belgium

12 dicembre 2023

Francia lidera las presiones dentro de la UE para legitimar el espionaje a periodistas
Francia lidera las presiones dentro de la UE para legitimar el espionaje a periodistas

infoLibre, Spain

12 dicembre 2023

EU-Staaten wollen Überwachung von Journalisten legitimieren
EU-Staaten wollen Überwachung von Journalisten legitimieren

Der Standard, Austria

12 dicembre 2023

Legge Ue sui media, stop dell’Italia: “Dobbiamo poter spiare i giornalisti”
Legge Ue sui media, stop dell’Italia: “Dobbiamo poter spiare i giornalisti”

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

12 dicembre 2023

32+1 εξαιρέσεις για την παρακολούθηση δημοσιογράφων στην Ευρώπη – η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη πρωτοστατεί
32+1 εξαιρέσεις για την παρακολούθηση δημοσιογράφων στην Ευρώπη – η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη πρωτοστατεί

Reporters United, Greece

12 dicembre 2023

Land efter land i Europa begränsar pressfriheten – nu agerar EU
Land efter land i Europa begränsar pressfriheten – nu agerar EU

Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

2 ottobre 2023

EU-Vizepräsidentin Věra Jourová: „Journalisten sollen frei von politischem Druck sein“
EU-Vizepräsidentin Věra Jourová: „Journalisten sollen frei von politischem Druck sein“

Falter, Austria

11 settembre 2023

Im Namen der Freiheit
Im Namen der Freiheit

Falter, Austria

11 settembre 2023

A pequena revolução em curso no sistema europeu de comunicação social ainda pode falhar
A pequena revolução em curso no sistema europeu de comunicação social ainda pode falhar

Público, Portugal

5 settembre 2023

La primera ley de medios europea mide la fuerza de la UE para frenar el retroceso de la libertad de prensa
La primera ley de medios europea mide la fuerza de la UE para frenar el retroceso de la libertad de prensa

infoLibre, Spain

5 settembre 2023

Investigate Europe: Wie sich manche EU-Länder gegen ein geplantes EU-Gesetz zur Medienfreiheit sperren
Investigate Europe: Wie sich manche EU-Länder gegen ein geplantes EU-Gesetz zur Medienfreiheit sperren

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

5 settembre 2023

Rettungsanker für die Medienfreiheit in Europa
Rettungsanker für die Medienfreiheit in Europa

Republik, Switzerland

5 settembre 2023

Freedom Act: si vota la legge Ue che può liberare la Rai dai partiti
Freedom Act: si vota la legge Ue che può liberare la Rai dai partiti

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

5 settembre 2023

Jourová chce wprowadzić przełomowe prawo chroniące dziennikarzy. Nie wszyscy w UE są za
Jourová chce wprowadzić przełomowe prawo chroniące dziennikarzy. Nie wszyscy w UE są za

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

5 settembre 2023

German publishers sabotage European Media Freedom Act
German publishers sabotage European Media Freedom Act

Follow the Money, Netherlands

5 settembre 2023

An end to the ‘desperate situation’ for Europe’s journalists?
An end to the ‘desperate situation’ for Europe’s journalists?

Index on censorship, United Kingdom

5 settembre 2023

A new EU law, and the battle to protect Europe's journalists
A new EU law, and the battle to protect Europe's journalists

EUobserver, Belgium

5 settembre 2023

Wie die Lobbymacht von Google und Co. an der EU scheitert
Wie die Lobbymacht von Google und Co. an der EU scheitert

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

26 ottobre 2021

Parlamento Europeu enfrenta acção judicial por cortes no fundo voluntário de pensões dos deputados
Parlamento Europeu enfrenta acção judicial por cortes no fundo voluntário de pensões dos deputados

Público, Portugal

Los Gobiernos de la UE negocian un ‘cheque en blanco’ para espiar a los periodistas
Los Gobiernos de la UE negocian un ‘cheque en blanco’ para espiar a los periodistas

infoLibre, Spain

EU-Luxuspensionen :Ehemalige Abgeordnete klagen gegen Kürzung der Zusatzrente
EU-Luxuspensionen :Ehemalige Abgeordnete klagen gegen Kürzung der Zusatzrente

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

EU-Abgeordnete fordern starke Schutzmaßnahmen für Journalist:innen
EU-Abgeordnete fordern starke Schutzmaßnahmen für Journalist:innen

Netzpolitik, Germany

Spying on journalists justified by “national security”?
Spying on journalists justified by “national security”?

VSquare, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia

EU-regjeringer vil ha «blankofullmakt» til å spionere på journalister
EU-regjeringer vil ha «blankofullmakt» til å spionere på journalister

Agenda Magasin, Norway

Η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη υπέρ της πανευρωπαϊκής χρήσης spyware κατά δημοσιογράφων – «για λόγους εθνικής ασφάλειας»
Η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη υπέρ της πανευρωπαϊκής χρήσης spyware κατά δημοσιογράφων – «για λόγους εθνικής ασφάλειας»

Reporters United, Greece

Governos da UE preparam “cheque em branco” para espionagem de jornalistas
Governos da UE preparam “cheque em branco” para espionagem de jornalistas

Público, Portugal

Patto tra i governi europei per spiare i giornalisti
Patto tra i governi europei per spiare i giornalisti

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

En Europe, les gouvernements s’apprêtent à autoriser l’espionnage de journalistes
En Europe, les gouvernements s’apprêtent à autoriser l’espionnage de journalistes

Mediapart, France

Nederland keert zich tegen Europese regels om overheidsspionage van journalisten terug te dringen
Nederland keert zich tegen Europese regels om overheidsspionage van journalisten terug te dringen

Follow the Money, Netherlands

Spähsoftware zur Überwachung von Journalisten: EU plant die „Blankovollmacht“
Spähsoftware zur Überwachung von Journalisten: EU plant die „Blankovollmacht“

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Blankoscheck für Geheimdienst-Überwachung der Presse
Blankoscheck für Geheimdienst-Überwachung der Presse

Netzpolitik, Germany

Pegasus wejdzie bocznymi drzwiami?
Pegasus wejdzie bocznymi drzwiami?

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Luxemburgo aceita que jornalistas possam ser espiados pelos Estados
Luxemburgo aceita que jornalistas possam ser espiados pelos Estados

Contacto, Luxembourg

Retraites dorées des eurodéputés : après nos révélations, le Parlement décide de coupes drastiques
Retraites dorées des eurodéputés : après nos révélations, le Parlement décide de coupes drastiques

Mediapart, France

El Parlamento Europeo recortará las pensiones de sus diputados pero usará dinero público para rescatar el fondo
El Parlamento Europeo recortará las pensiones de sus diputados pero usará dinero público para rescatar el fondo

infoLibre, Spain

La droite et l’extrême droite ne veulent pas mettre fin aux retraites dorées d’eurodéputés
La droite et l’extrême droite ne veulent pas mettre fin aux retraites dorées d’eurodéputés

Mediapart, France

Skandal um EU-Luxus: Doppelte und dreifache Pensionen auf Kosten der Steuerzahler
Skandal um EU-Luxus: Doppelte und dreifache Pensionen auf Kosten der Steuerzahler

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

La retraite dorée de 81 eurodéputés français grâce à un fonds de pension situé au Luxembourg
La retraite dorée de 81 eurodéputés français grâce à un fonds de pension situé au Luxembourg

Mediapart, France

Les impayables compléments de pension des députés européens
Les impayables compléments de pension des députés européens

Le Soir, Belgium

El Parlamento europeo se plantea rescatar de la quiebra con dinero público el fondo de pensiones voluntario de sus diputados
El Parlamento europeo se plantea rescatar de la quiebra con dinero público el fondo de pensiones voluntario de sus diputados

infoLibre, Spain

EU-parlamentets lyxfond går i graven med miljardskuld
EU-parlamentets lyxfond går i graven med miljardskuld

Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

Fundo de pensões privado dos eurodeputados vai falir. Será que os contribuintes europeus o vão salvar?
Fundo de pensões privado dos eurodeputados vai falir. Será que os contribuintes europeus o vão salvar?

Público, Portugal

Podatnicy dopłacą do dodatkowych emerytur europosłów? Luksusowy fundusz na krawędzi bankructwa
Podatnicy dopłacą do dodatkowych emerytur europosłów? Luksusowy fundusz na krawędzi bankructwa

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Orbán blunket først
Orbán blunket først

Klassekampen, Norway

Suspendendo a liberdade de circulação de Schengen, meio ano de cada vez
Suspendendo a liberdade de circulação de Schengen, meio ano de cada vez

Público, Portugal

Norge har hatt grensekontroll siden 2015: – Ulovlig, sier EU-domstol
Norge har hatt grensekontroll siden 2015: – Ulovlig, sier EU-domstol

Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

 Dismantling Schengen – half a year at a time
Dismantling Schengen – half a year at a time

EUobserver, Belgium

Así desmantelan Schengen a plazos seis países de la UE
Así desmantelan Schengen a plazos seis países de la UE

infoLibre, Spain

Gegen die deutschen Bremser
Gegen die deutschen Bremser

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

España y Portugal obvian a los científicos y cierran los ojos ante la sobrepesca en el Mediterráneo y el golfo de Vizcaya
España y Portugal obvian a los científicos y cierran los ojos ante la sobrepesca en el Mediterráneo y el golfo de Vizcaya

infoLibre, Spain

Espanha e Portugal arriscam sobrepesca no Mediterrâneo e no Golfo da Biscaia
Espanha e Portugal arriscam sobrepesca no Mediterrâneo e no Golfo da Biscaia

Público, Portugal

EU fiscal transparency? How to measure multinationals
EU fiscal transparency? How to measure multinationals

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

EU approves greater tax transparency for multinationals but fails to convince critics
EU approves greater tax transparency for multinationals but fails to convince critics

Público, Portugal

France creates obstacle to the tax directive that the Portuguese presidency approved in the EU
France creates obstacle to the tax directive that the Portuguese presidency approved in the EU

Público, Portugal

French business lobby strikes back at EU’s new law on tax transparency: Wants a toothless law
French business lobby strikes back at EU’s new law on tax transparency: Wants a toothless law

Klassekampen, Norway

Who in the EU protects corporations? In Brussels, the fate of tax transparency is at stake
Who in the EU protects corporations? In Brussels, the fate of tax transparency is at stake

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Fisco, via libera ai furbi: Macron aiuta Amazon&C.
Fisco, via libera ai furbi: Macron aiuta Amazon&C.

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

The billion Euro failure
The billion Euro failure

taz, Germany

Secret deals behind closed doors
Secret deals behind closed doors

EfSyn, Greece

Tax defeat for Germany
Tax defeat for Germany

Klassekampen, Norway

Greece blocks a gender equality directive
Greece blocks a gender equality directive

EfSyn, Greece

Tax transparency law for multinationals advances in the EU
Tax transparency law for multinationals advances in the EU

Público, Portugal

Slap in Berlin. More transparency from the giants
Slap in Berlin. More transparency from the giants

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

Labs, vaccines, multinationals: how opacity has become the European Union standard
Labs, vaccines, multinationals: how opacity has become the European Union standard

Marianne, France

Portugal vs Germany clash on EU corporate tax avoidance
Portugal vs Germany clash on EU corporate tax avoidance

EUobserver, Belgium

Europe’s tax secrecy is wavering
Europe’s tax secrecy is wavering

Zeit Online, Germany

Portugal and Germany are at loggerheads over corporate tax evasion in the EU
Portugal and Germany are at loggerheads over corporate tax evasion in the EU

Longplay, Slovenia

The ex-journalist who wants to open EU’s “black box”
The ex-journalist who wants to open EU’s “black box”

Journalisten, Norway

In the Council, secrecy is the rule, and this affects “EU legitimacy”
In the Council, secrecy is the rule, and this affects “EU legitimacy”

Público, Portugal

Laws made behind closed doors
Laws made behind closed doors

Klassekampen, Norway

Behind closed doors: secret deals in the Council of the EU
Behind closed doors: secret deals in the Council of the EU

OpenDemocracy, UK

Who decides the fate of European countries? The ‘black box’ called the Council
Who decides the fate of European countries? The ‘black box’ called the Council

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

It is not that we and the Hungarians are the only ones who have a problem with Brussels. But the others do not admit it out loudly
It is not that we and the Hungarians are the only ones who have a problem with Brussels. But the others do not admit it out loudly

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Legislation behind closed doors
Legislation behind closed doors

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Portugal criticised a proposal, in the Council, for defence mechanism of the rule of law
Portugal criticised a proposal, in the Council, for defence mechanism of the rule of law

Público, Portugal

EU Ombudsman accuses Union of secret legislation
EU Ombudsman accuses Union of secret legislation

Utrikesmagasinet, Sweden

How Germany prevents the EU from uncovering multinational tax planning: Blocking tax disclosures.
How Germany prevents the EU from uncovering multinational tax planning: Blocking tax disclosures.

Klassekampen, Norway

The strange and secret veto of the law against tax evasion by multinationals
The strange and secret veto of the law against tax evasion by multinationals

Público, Portugal

In the shadow of the corporations
In the shadow of the corporations

Zeit Online, Germany

Greens complain of “blockade” of the federal government in the EU Council
Greens complain of “blockade” of the federal government in the EU Council

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

The parties betray election promises to stop tax fraud
The parties betray election promises to stop tax fraud

Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

Portugal will finally approve the directive on taxes for multinationals
Portugal will finally approve the directive on taxes for multinationals

Diário de Notícias, Portugal

The government blocks European law on taxation of multinationals
The government blocks European law on taxation of multinationals

Diário de Notícias, Portugal

Legislation from closed chambers – how (un)democratic is the EU?
Legislation from closed chambers – how (un)democratic is the EU?

Blätter, Germany

Wie die Lobbymacht von Google und Co. an der EU scheitert
Wie die Lobbymacht von Google und Co. an der EU scheitert

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Europe’s tax secrecy is wavering
Europe’s tax secrecy is wavering

Zeit Online, Germany


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