
The world urgently needs 20 billion doses of a vaccine that will protect global citizens against the coronavirus. States are throwing huge sums of public money at the race to beat Covid-19, but who will get there first? Will Big Pharma focus on private profit? Will vaccine nationalism prevail, or will the patent be shared to create a low-cost global supply?

May 2020

The world urgently needs 20 billion doses of a vaccine that will protect global citizens against the coronavirus. States are throwing huge sums of public money at the race to beat Covid-19, but who will get there first? Will Big Pharma focus on private profit? Will vaccine nationalism prevail, or will the patent be shared to create a low-cost global supply?

Big Pharma, one of the most lucrative industries in the world, does not usually give priority to vaccine development, as it is financially risky and other drugs are more profitable.

The public spends billions to help with the research and development of commercial drugs, but usually only a fraction of this amount goes to fund vaccine development.

The Coronavirus has turned the tables: The stepchild of the drug industry now gets full attention – and huge public funding.

The reporters of Investigate Europe followed the public money spent on the hunt for a Covid-19 vaccine and found that most of these grants and loans are given without the necessary conditions to ensure global supply and a fair access. If too little is done to prevent “vaccine nationalism,” in the end the public will pay the price. 

Read our reports below and scroll down to read articles published in media partner outlets across Europe.

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Ue, i conflitti d’interessi dei negoziatori dei vaccini
Ue, i conflitti d’interessi dei negoziatori dei vaccini

Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

5 November 2022

Οι Μυστικοί Εφτά και ο αρχιλομπίστας της Big Pharma
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EfSyn, Greece

4 April 2022

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Público, Portugal

7 November 2021

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taz, Germany

3 November 2021

EU’s ‘secret’ vaccine negotiators: Who’s dealing with Big Pharma?
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EUobserver, Belgium

3 November 2021

„Diese Preise zahlen wir nicht“: Einblicke in die streng geheimen Verhandlungen zwischen EU und „Big Pharma“
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Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

23 September 2021

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Público, Portugal

22 September 2021

Colpo grosso Big Pharma: intascati 31 mld in più
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Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

22 September 2021

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Klassekampen, Norway

22 September 2021

EU negotiators defend high Covid vaccines prices paid to pharma
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EUobserver, Belgium

22 September 2021

Εμβόλια Covid-19: υποκρισία με (ευρωπαϊκή) πατέντα
Εμβόλια Covid-19: υποκρισία με (ευρωπαϊκή) πατέντα

EfSyn, Greece

9 May 2021

Quebra de patentes de vacinas: EUA e Espanha de um lado, Portugal e Alemanha do outro
Quebra de patentes de vacinas: EUA e Espanha de um lado, Portugal e Alemanha do outro

Público, Portugal

9 May 2021

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Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

9 May 2021

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Baricada Bulgaria, Bulgaria

23 March 2021

Europa blochează decizia care ar extinde masiv capacitatea de producție a vaccinului anti-covid. De ce?
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Baricada Bulgaria, Bulgaria

18 March 2021

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Stavanger Aftenblad, Norway

9 March 2021

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NRK, Norway

27 August 2020

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NRK, Norway

27 August 2020

Les Etats européens sont pour l’instant incapables de garantir un accès équitable à un futur vaccin contre le Covid
Les Etats européens sont pour l’instant incapables de garantir un accès équitable à un futur vaccin contre le Covid

Basta!, France, Basta!

21 July 2020

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Newsweek Poland, Poland

27 May 2020

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Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

20 May 2020

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Republik, Switzerland

20 May 2020

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Falter, Austria

19 May 2020

Vaccini, egoismo e guerra tra gli Stati
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Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

17 May 2020

A vaccine for all may be an (expensive) chimera
A vaccine for all may be an (expensive) chimera

Público, Portugal

16 May 2020