The 5G Mass Experiment

Are you happy with 4G mobile? You may be, but governments and industry are already looking at the next level – 5G – and the infrastructure for ‘smart homes’ and the ‘internet of things’. According to EU plans, Europe will be hyper-connected by 2025.

January 2019

Are you happy with 4G mobile? You may be, but governments and industry are already looking at the next level – 5G – and the infrastructure for ‘smart homes’ and the ‘internet of things’. According to EU plans, Europe will be hyper-connected by 2025.

Why the rush? So that Europe will not lose out to the USA and China in a global race for dominance.

So what is the problem? A growing body of science that warns of health risks from long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation by mobile technology. There is almost no research on the effects of the higher frequencies needed for 5G.

You’ll be connected. But at what price?

As part of this investigation we spoke to many scientists involved in the definition of limits and standards. We have criticised the system as being a “closed club”. To make the common core of the investigation more accessible to our readers we are now publishing an animated graphic showing the connection of the scientific bodies and the researchers, along with excerpts of the interviews.

Real 5G issues overshadowed by Covid-19 conspiracy theories

June 2020: Unsubstantiated claims that connect the new mobile technology to the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic have led people to destroy 5G masts in several countries. Such actions  overshadow  concerns about health effects of the technology that are real and legitimate. Read more here: Real 5G issues overshadowed by Covid-19 conspiracy theories

Find out more about our investigation in the publications below:

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